Saturday, November 7, 2009

How Much Did I Eat?

Halloween is not a pretty time in our house. Our kids are master candy collectors and this year ended up with a huge amount of candy. I admit, I sampled a bit of their candy the day after and was feeling quite proud of my control until I reached in my pocket and discovered it FULL of candy wrappers. I was amazed. How did this happen? I must have suffered from a massive memory block! My first thought was that I picked up the empty wrappers as I passed through the house and put them in my pocket. Then I noticed the wrappers were from my favorite candies. So busted!!! Then there was the movie night candypolooza with a mound of wrappers to show off. Thank heavens the candy is nearly gone.
There is a lesson here, for me at least. That my brain convienently does not track how much I eat. I need visual cues (such as candy wrappers). For me eating healthy is about 1) limiting access to sweets and fatty foods, 2) keeping healthy veggie snacks convienient, 3)recognizing correct portions and sticking to it when I sit down for meals.

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