Friday, February 8, 2013

WellMeals4U is the Key!

There was a little blip in the Relish February 2013 newspaper insert that caught my attention.  Right next to the article about "pinching less than an inch" around the waistline was a very interesting statistic.  According to the International Food Information Council's (IFIC) 2012 Food and Health Survey, 52% of Americans believe figuring out their income tax is easier than knowing what they should and shouldn’t eat to be healthier.  I could not agree more and that is why I created WellMeals4U.  Getting organized enough to eat healthy home cooked meals was virtually impossible for me.  I tried for years!  I figured if I had a hard time, then likely a lot of people were in the same boat.  Come to find out, at least 52% of Americans polled by IFIC.

My first goal with WellMeals4U was to create an online application that did all the organization for me, allowing me to focus on purchasing the ingredients and preparing the meals.  It is hard to believe that in a matter of moments I can pick the meals I want, tell the system how many servings each meal should contain and then immediately receive a customized grocery list, instructions for assembling all the meals I selected as well as instructions for preparing the meals the day I decide to eat them.  It still amazes me!  There were four other goals I had when I created WellMeals4U:
  • Keep within my food budget (this includes money saved by limiting those "heck. . . let's just eat out! meals),
  • Fewer trips to the grocery store,
  • No wasted food,
  • Less daily mess in the kitchen
As always, every meal featured in WellMeals4U is very tasty and healthy! 

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